Information on Cookies

Pursuant to Articles 13 and 122 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 (“Privacy Code”), as well as in accordance with the provisions of the General Provision of the Privacy Guarantor of 8 May 2014, we provide users of the site with some information on the cookies used.

What are cookies

A “cookie” is a text file saved on the user’s computer when the user accesses a website with the purpose of providing information each time the user returns to the same site.

It is a kind of reminder of the internet page visited. With the cookie, the web server sends information to the user’s browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) that is stored on the user’s computer, and will be re-read and updated each time the user returns to the site. In this way, the website can automatically adapt to the user.

In the course of browsing, the user may also receive cookies from different sites (“third party” cookies) on his/her terminal, set directly by the managers of these websites and used for the purposes and in the manner defined by them.

Types of cookies used by this site
Technical cookies

The site uses technical cookies, for which the user’s consent is not required

Technical cookies are understood to be

  • navigation or session cookies, which ensure normal navigation and use of the website (allowing, for example, to make a purchase or authenticate to access restricted areas)
  • analytics cookies, assimilated to technical cookies where they are used directly by the website operator to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site
  • functionality cookies, which allow the user to navigate according to a set of selected criteria (e.g. language, products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service provided to the user.
Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies, both technical and profiling, are installed across the site.

Third-party profiling cookies are cookies needed to create user profiles in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user within the pages of the Site.

The individual third party cookies are detailed below, as well as the links through which the user can receive further information and request deactivation of the cookies.

Google Analytics cookies
The site uses Google Analytics.

This is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”) that uses cookies that are stored on the user’s computer to enable statistical analysis in aggregate form regarding the use of the website visited.

Google Analytics mainly uses proprietary cookies to generate reports on visitors’ interactions with websites. These cookies are used to store information that does not personally identify users. Browsers do not share proprietary cookies between domains.

To consult the privacy policy of the Google Analytics service, please visit

For Google’s privacy policy, please visit the following address

Data generated by Google Analytics are stored by Google as indicated in the Privacy Policy available at the following link

Google Adwords cookies

The site may use the Google Adwords programme with Remarketing functionalities. Both technical and profiling cookies are released for this purpose. These are both cookies managed by Google Inc.

Users can disable Google cookies in the settings of their Internet browser.

How to delete cookies

For Google’s privacy policy:

Facebook cookies

The site may use cookies from Facebook Inc. to monitor the performance of Facebook Ads campaigns and possible remarketing actions. Click here for more information about Facebook’s use of cookies:

Tripadvisor Cookies

This site may use both technical and profiling cookies owned by TripAdvisor LLC.

Click here for more information regarding the use of cookies

Social networks: buttons and widgets

Social buttons are those particular ‘buttons’ on the site that depict social network icons (e.g. Facebook and Twitter) and allow users who are browsing to interact with a ‘click’ directly with social platforms.

A widget is an interactive tool that allows multimedia content to be shared across various websites and social networks (e.g. Tripadvisor widget).

The site may incorporate third-party widgets that involve the installation of both technical and profiling cookies.

Below are the links where the user can view the privacy policy relating to data management by Social.

For more information, including on deactivating these cookies, please consult the following links:




Provision of data

With the exception of the technical cookies strictly necessary for normal browsing, the provision of data is left to the will of the interested party who decides to browse the site after having read the brief information contained in the specific banner and to use the services that involve the installation of cookies.

The interested party can therefore avoid the installation of cookies by keeping the banner (thus refraining from closing it by clicking on the “ok” button), as well as through the appropriate functions available on his or her browser.

Disabling cookies

Without prejudice to what has been indicated above with regard to the cookies that are strictly necessary for browsing, the user can delete the other cookies through the function made available for this purpose by the Data Controller in this information notice or directly through his/her browser.

Each browser has different procedures for managing the settings. The user can obtain specific instructions through the links below.

It is also possible to deactivate third-party cookies by means of the methods made available directly by the third-party company responsible for such processing, as indicated in the links in the ‘third-party cookies’ section

For information on the cookies stored on your terminal and to deactivate them individually, please refer to the link:

Changes to this cookie policy

The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this cookie policy at any time by publicising them to Users on this page. Please therefore consult this page often.